Fixing blurry blogger post thumbnails

Should you run into this problem, and I have, the reason appears to be some change that they made to the Blogger code over at headquarters which they then somehow forgot to fix it seems > > >. They show you a solution to it, however I found I had to look further than the <data:post.thumbnailUrl /> that they are telling you to look for and fix. What I found is this here:

<data:thumbClassName/> {background-image:url(<b:eval expr='resizeImage(data:post.featuredImage, 600, &quot;385:184&quot;).cssEscaped'/>);}

I changed the value to 600, initially it was something like 375, I think. I found this particular code on the Blogger Emporio Theme where I increased the home page post widths by quite a bit while I was trying to put together a new template based upon Emporio. Could be something else in other templates, but in any case, it will probably be something that one can probably locate by just searching for resizeImage

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