How to add older posts, newer posts and home on the pagers of the Contempo, Soho, Emporio, Notable and Essential themes on Blogger
These links used to be there by default on all the non-responsive blogger themes, for some reason they are gone on the newer responsive ones. But, there is a way to add them and this is how it goes:
I am going to ask you to go to this page first>>> and do everything that this very nice person tells you to do there. It is explained in a very orderly straightforward manner - I had no difficulty whatsoever following the directions. This will solve the first part of your problem, the links will appear. Check that all is OK and then backup your theme.
However, you will still be stuck with the "More" link with which Blogger has replaced them. In order to get rid of that one you will have to find a certain bit in the HTML editor and delete it altogether. Here is what it looks like:
<div class='blog-pager container' id='blog-pager'>
<b:include cond='data:newerPageUrl' name='previousPageLink'/>
<b:include cond='data:olderPageUrl' name='nextPageLink'/>
<b:include cond='data:view.url != data:blog.homepageUrl' name='homePageLink'/>
But now here is where you need to be ultra careful: There are two div classes inside the HTML code, one right below the other that look very similar to each other. The correct one is the second one.