CSS: How to get the (typographic) logo to always stay the same color on the homepage and the post pages on blogger
If your logo is an image then you do not have this problem. However, if you are using a logo that is actually made out of a font then you will probably get frustrated by this as well: Since the logo is actually a link it will obey the global settings of "visited" - and those will very often be a really dark color since they work inside the actual body content where the font is likely to be a dar color. Fixing this is very easy however. Go inside the HTML editor and look for Header h1. You will find a long line that will look something like this:
.Header h1{color:#eee;margin-bottom:20px;margin-top:15px;margin-left:-10px;font-size:40px;text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:100;font-family:'Roboto';}
Copy this entire line and paste it directly below it. Then all you do is add a: visited to Header h1. You then delete all of the parameters and leave only the color. Here's what the end result should look like:
.Header h1{color:#eee;margin-bottom:20px;margin-top:15px;margin-left:-10px;font-size:40px;text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:100;font-family:'Roboto';}
.Header h1 a:visited{color:#eee;}
And now your logo will always be the same color!