Re-Designed Blogger Template: Emporio
This is something that I made out of the Emporio theme that you can find under the default Blogger themes. I just wanted a very simple, no frills grid with nice big thumbnails on the main blog feed and big images on the post pages, wtihout that very unpleasant looking blur effect that the default theme has on top of them. But, what I really wanted to do was to make a full width grid without a sidebar, however I could not get a full width grid to align centrally. So, the sidebar stayed, which in the end may not have been such a bad thing.
I made this primarily with the portfolio presentation needs of my own graphic students in mind. There are three versions of this, one is black on white, the other white on black, and then there is a third with a grey sidebar. You can download the package here > > >
View all the themes that I am tweaking on the Blogger Theme Tweaking site here > > >
Important! 3rd party responsive Blogger themes have a lot of quirks that you will have to fix which come about every time that you restore a theme. So, this is not something that I can resolve with my tweak, there are some things that you the end user has to take of before the theme is fully operational. To find out what these are and how to fix them, please make sure you look at the Instructions Page > > > right after you install the theme.